what am i doing wrong

can someone tell me,

emotion clouding my judgment

my brain doesn’t have anyway anymore

what am i doing wrong

is it wrong to wish for the stars

wen all you have is a string light

is it wrong to imagine you here wen all i have is a hello from you

can someone please  tell me they feel it to

am i the only one craving you or you feeling it to

i wish i was 4:30 in the morning

being the first thing you see when you sober up

or 9:00 in the evening

being the last thing you see before the universe takes control

can we just built our own planet

be aliens to the outside world

talking in some funny language that we only understand

can we just be the grass in the field

and let the stars be our blanket

let the cricket and the wildlife be our music

telling each other our dreams

and how we gonna take over the world

just you and me

can we just relax and read each others thoughts

try to open our third eye

lets just communicate with our mind

and speak in corded language… so cool


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