what am i doing wrong

can someone tell me,

emotion clouding my judgement,

my brain  doesn’t have anyway say anymore

what am i doing wrong

is it wrong to wish for the stars

wen ill i have is a string light

is it wrong to imagine you here with me

wen all i have is just a hello from you can someone tell me they feel it to

am i the only one craving you or are you feeling it to

i wish i was 4:30 in the morning

being the first thing you see when you sober up

ot 9:00 in the evening

being the last thing u rem before the universe takes control

can we just built our own planet

be aliens to the outside world

talking in some funny language that e only understand

can we just be the grass in the field and let the crickets and the wildlife be our music

telling each other our dreams

and how we gonna take over the world

can we just relax and read each others thoughts

try to open our third eye

let just communicate with our mind

and speak in corded language… so cool

via Photo Challenge: Ambience

what am i doing wrong

can someone tell me,

emotion clouding my judgment

my brain doesn’t have anyway anymore

what am i doing wrong

is it wrong to wish for the stars

wen all you have is a string light

is it wrong to imagine you here wen all i have is a hello from you

can someone please  tell me they feel it to

am i the only one craving you or you feeling it to

i wish i was 4:30 in the morning

being the first thing you see when you sober up

or 9:00 in the evening

being the last thing you see before the universe takes control

can we just built our own planet

be aliens to the outside world

talking in some funny language that we only understand

can we just be the grass in the field

and let the stars be our blanket

let the cricket and the wildlife be our music

telling each other our dreams

and how we gonna take over the world

just you and me

can we just relax and read each others thoughts

try to open our third eye

lets just communicate with our mind

and speak in corded language… so cool


To Sanity


Can you whisper a prayer do this for me

something is happening i can feel it

what i hoped wouldn’t is finally here

why are you doing this now

Ad given you all my love

and all you did was just step on it like trash

truth be told i can see better now

who would have known

you were just a blur in my vision

blocking me from being seine

being a puppet in your hand

controlling my every thought

you gave me so much confusion

didn’t know what was right or wrong

didn’t know which was left or right

am glad, good reediness am better of

perfect vision having a clear mind

you can go back to wasting peoples’ time

Coz am done…To sanity


To Sanity


Can you whisper a prayer do this for me

something is happening i can feel it

what i hoped wouldn’t is finally here

why are you doing this now

ad given you all my love

and all you did was stepped on it like trash

truth be told i can see better now

who would have known

you were just a blur in my vision

blocking me from being seine

being a puppet in your hand

controlling my every move

you gave me so much confusion

didn’t know what was right or wrong

didn’t know which was left or right

am glad, good reediness am better of

perfect vision having a clear mind

you can go back to wasting peoples’ time

coz am done… To Sanit

What a Full Moon



Look at the moon tonight

I can feel a connection can you

never felt like this before

i wonder if you feel it to

ooh how bright you shining

a full moon yes it is

i wonder if my fellow friends have felt it

have they transformed yet

there beautiful bright eyes

there long, long nails

how hairy they became… ooh my

howling for their pack


Making them stronger by the minute

his hurt, angry, why can’t you

just do it

it can’t be worse than what is happening to her

you said u’d protect her

u promise you’d do everything to save her

why won’t you, she’s dying